safety signs

Safety Signs

Safety signs and symbols in workplaces, establishments, or public spaces provide general protocol and safety instructions. While safety signs and symbols may vary depending on the country or region, their general purpose is to communicate safety information that transcends language barriers and can be interpreted worldwide.

Uphold Safety on Your Premises with Safety Signs

Safety symbols have the advantage of being universally recognised across languages and levels of experience. Symbols and images warn people of dangers faster and easier than words.

The primary function of safety signs is to prevent accidents from happening. A “Falling Debris” sign, for example, would direct people away from areas where debris could fall.

Workers are reminded of the hazards within a workplace by safety signages. They may forget the immediate risks they face while working and they can be reminded to take more precautions using safety symbols and signs.

SAFETY Signage Types


Use safety signs to prohibit dangerous behavior at work and convey "Do Not" commands, such as no smoking in specific areas. Prohibition signs feature a red circle with a diagonal line and should have a white background with black images. They can also be used as floor markers to highlight prohibited areas.


As their name implies, warning signs inform individuals of hazards and dangers that exist in an area. Using these types of signs ensures that people in the vicinity are aware of these dangers, even if they are not immediately apparent. These symbols can vary, but they usually include a yellow or amber triangle band and black text explaining the dangers these signs want to convey. Deep excavation signs and high voltage warnings are examples of these.


An industry or business must display a mandatory sign to comply with statutory requirements. When these orders are disregarded, potential dangers may arise, and it is commonly used in isolated areas where special precautions are required. Usually, these signs have a circular shape, a blue background, and a white pictogram. The need for safety helmets and protective goggles are examples of where these signs are used.


Generally, emergency signs are understood fairly easily and are used widely. Symbols indicate emergency exits, escape routes, first aid equipment, and emergency exits and doors. Typically, these signs have a rectangular or square shape, a green background, and a white pictogram. Fire exits and other emergency secondary routes are the most common examples.


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