Do you ever wonder what is the real essence behind a good signage design?
When it comes to signs, it’s vital to keep in mind that without careful design, they are virtually useless. There are some people who make the critical mistake of believing it’s just about making their sign look good. However, this is not true.
The Stroop Effect is a good example of this. During this experiment, participants see the names of colors based on the color they are paired with. Their next task is to identify the shade. Testers record the length of time it takes. When the test is repeated, the color does not match the word.
There was much more conflict in the participants’ minds when attempting the second test due to the inconsistencies. Using this example, we can show how important it is that the design and message are matched.
Advertising relies on the audience understanding the message quickly and clearly. It is imperative that all aspects of your signage work together to tell your story.
We live in a world where signage dominates so much of our surroundings. It’s a fiercely competitive market. In order to make yours stand out, you may need the help of professionals.
But if you want to take a crack at creating a well-designed signage, here is a list of what you should keep in mind:
What Makes up A Well Designed Signage?
Vision is everything
As humans, we tend to be visually inclined. There is no doubt that sight is one of our most important senses. In fact, according to one statistic, the addition of images increases content view rates by 94%.
Graphics aren’t just for generating interest. Visual information is processed at a much faster rate by our brains. In contrast to a line of text, a single well-designed image is capable of conveying a larger amount of information much more quickly.
A graphic’s other benefit is that it has a sense of universality. There are some images that can be understood by people all over the world. It is for this reason that warning signs often use symbols only.
Thus, visuals may be essential depending on the signage’s purpose. A functional image that depicts an action or a bit of information will work better for directional, safety, and informational signs.
Moreover, persuasive boards with suggestive graphics are likely to produce better results. They shoul evoke strong feelings or associations.
If possible, use visuals on your promotional signs to appeal to and persuade your target audience. Take the example of convincing customers that your product could make them happier. People smiling or laughing are good graphics to convey this.
Color Psychology
A discussion of visuals would not be complete without also talking about color. You can cite hundreds of statistics to demonstrate the importance of this feature. Although there are two primary benefits: boosting sales and readership by up to 80% when color is used.
As a result, this is an excellent tool for creating signs of any kind. You should keep the following guidelines in mind when choosing colors:
- Although it isn’t necessary to clash with the surroundings, it should make a good contrast. It needs to stand out and be noticed for it to work.
- Avoid using the same color or shade over and over again. It will look monotonous and be difficult to read and understand.
- It is important that the text color contrasts with the background color.
- You should match or, in some way, reflect your company’s branding in the scheme.
- It is possible to have different emotional and mental effects when you are exposed to different colors. As an example, black is often associated with authority, elegance, seduction, and mystery.
You should keep in mind that there are usually rules and regulations that determine the colors of safety and warning signs. In Australia, this is determined by the Australian Safety Sign Standards.
Word choice is important
Although visuals are important, don’t forget the text as well. It can play a key role in conveying the signs’ central message. Moreover, various other details can also be displayed as text, such as the company’s contact information.
When it comes to signage, one thing you should remember is to keep it simple. Avoid using too many words, and choose your words carefully. Overall, the message must be as precise as possible.
It is a good idea to focus on emotionally powerful words when writing. Using them will enhance the impact of the sign and make it more memorable to the audience.
We are more likely to notice anything new or different in our environment. We are subject to habituation, according to psychologists. This explains that we become accustomed to seeing things that we see all the time, so we stop noticing them.
A new sign’s success can be attributed to this factor. Therefore, you may want to consider changing your signage every few months or so. Your audience will be able to keep their attention if you use this technique.
You should think of features that can make your sign unique and unusual during the design process.
The marketing and signage industries have been opened to exciting new avenues by technology. Advertisements that are static create the impression that they are being broadcast to the audience.
It can be a great idea to experiment with new platforms even though these are brilliant and still play a crucial role.
There are many of these products that allow customers to interact with the signs, including those that are adapted for touch screens. Your audience will feel that they have some control over you, which will ultimately increase their impact.
Effective communication
An underestimation of the importance of good signage would be a grave mistake. Their role in helping a business succeed can range from pointing out directions to attracting new customers.
Make your signage more effective by using the above psychological principles.
Always keep in mind that a sign’s design is key to its success.
Common Signage Design Mistakes
After discussing what makes a good signage design, let’s discuss some common mistakes.
1. Inadequate consideration of viewing distance
It is important to consider the distance between people and signage when designing signage. From a distance, people will have difficulty reading it if it’s too small. On the other hand, an overly large sign will look unwelcome and be overwhelming.
2. Using low-quality materials
You will reflect poorly on your business if your signage is made from low-quality materials. Therefore, you should make your signage from durable materials that look professional.
3. Lack of branding
It is important for your signage to reflect the branding of your company. In order to achieve this, your other marketing materials should use the same colors, fonts, and overall design aesthetic as the website.
4. Not Getting Professional Help
Getting professional help is a good idea if you aren’t sure how to design your signage. The signage designer will be able to create a design that reflects your company’s branding as well as all the other criteria we discussed.
5. Not Keeping it Simple
In signage design, keeping it simple is vital. To do that, make sure that your signage is easy to read and understand and does not contain a lot of information in one sitting. Keeping it simple and to the point is the best way to go.
The Bottomline
Signage is a powerful marketing tool that enhances a business’s brand awareness and sales. However, for it to be more effective, you must use a well designed signage. Make sure your signage is effective and reflects positively on your business by following the tips in this article.
Do you need help designing an effective signage? Let us help you! You can work with our team of signage experts at National Corporate Siganeg to create signs that reflect your brand and meet all the other criteria we discussed in this article. Get started today by contacting us!